Australia's first Circular Economy Accelerator
Boomerang Labs is supporting a transition to a circular economy by finding and helping grow the ideas and talents of entrepreneurs and small businesses that have circular systems and solutions at the heart of their businesses.
To realise the ambition of a circular economy we need a whole lot of innovation, ingenuity and imagination to take place.

Boomerang Labs wants to help these businesses to make a lasting impact by coupling entrepreneurship with partnerships and investments, to build organisations that can be commercialised and deliver this change at scale.
A circular economy is vital to the health of our environment, and it's also great for business.

It will allow businesses to make the most out of valuable materials and resources, reduce waste and drive job creation and economic growth.
Nature is a perfect and regenerative system where there is no waste and everything supports and nourishes everything else. This is in contrast to how we've organised our economy to a model of take, make and throw away.

We will eventually run out of raw materials to extract from nature. Our "throw-away culture" encourages loss of valuable resources, consumes more landfill space and clogs up our oceans and environment.

In a circular economy, products are designed, manufactured, sold, used and collected at the end of their life in a way that closely mimics nature. Items are designed to last over multiple iterations of use, and for old products to be collected and used as materials for new products.
Boomerang Labs Programs
We run a Bootcamp, Basecamp an Accelerator Program, events and workshop sessions to help founders reach the next level on their business journey
Accelerator Program
Our Circular Economy Accelerator Program supports talented founders to launch their start-ups and grow them into sustainable businesses. The program is designed to help start-ups that have circular economy business models to grow and commercialise.

The program will be a mix of in person and online workshops and events, and will offer bespoke coaching, access to finance, access to markets, mentoring, a working space, networking opportunities and other support services for establishing a business.
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Boomerang Labs Bootcamp
Our 2-Day Bootcamp will help you refine your business idea, gain some traction and get you ready for our Acceleration Program.
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Basecamp Program
Boomerang Labs Basecamp Program focuses on turning individuals into entrepreneurs. We'll set you up with the foundations you'll need to launch a Circular Economy Startup.
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Boomerang Labs is an Innovation Exchange, a hub connecting companies, government bodies and other organisations with founders and innovators to tackle challenges of design, resource use and resource recovery in their organisations and supply chains.
Investors network
We are building a network of attuned HNW, corporate and venture investors eager to support and generate returns from the transition to a circular economy.
Alumni network
Once businesses have completed our programs, we will continue to support our alumni with ongoing post-program coaching, and other support services.

We will continue to engage with this alumni network and draw on their expertise and experience to continue to assist in expanding the circular economy ecosystem.
Mentoring network
We are building a community of circular economy and sustainability leaders that can share their knowledge, experience, and guide startups and small businesses through the many challenges of entrepreneurship. And also and participate in our programs and collaboration opportunities with our community.
What business do we want to support to help us make the transition to a circular economy?
We support entrepreneurs to commercialise businesses with circular systems and solutions at the heart of their work
Design based – Business models that combine the 'R-strategy of 'Reduce' with innovation in products or materials through source material minimization, product design or production process efficiency.

Waste based
– Business models that seek to recover and extract value from undeveloped external waste streams, mainly post-consumer products and post producer waste streams. These businesses pursue lower ranked R-strategies 'Recycle' and 'Recover', though they often use innovative process solutions.
Platform based – Business models that create marketplaces for excess resources, such as trading and sharing website platforms. The R-strategies pursued by these businesses are 'Reduce' and 'Reuse'.

Service based – Business models that are focused on fulfilling the need for a product and ensuring it is durable and reusable, rather than selling the maximum number of products. The main R-strategy employed by these businesses is 'Reduce', and the business models often rely on the active involvement of the customer to return or repair products.

Nature based
– Business models that pursue the highest ranked R-strategy of 'Regenerate'. They not only try to avoid environmental harm, but offer products and services based on natural ecosystems and nature-based solutions.

Surprise Us – Business models that fall in line with the over-arching theme of 'Creating a circular economy' but do not fit into one of the specific categories.
Circular economy & Innovation
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If you are interested in becoming a partner or sponsor, please feel free to contact us
Hear from our network
Feel free to contact us!
E-mail | [email protected]

Address | EnergyLab's office
Building 25, 4-12 Buckland St | Chippendale, 2008 NSW
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